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Seat Availability

Use of the reservation system is limited to law students, law faculty, and law staff.

Use the dropdown menus above to select the category and the capacity of the room or seat you wish to reserve.  Select "single seat booking" from the Capacity menu to view the available single seats.  Select "for any number of people" to view the available rooms.

Note that access to the law center building is restricted to members of the law school community evenings and weekends.

Library patrons must follow all applicable university and law school COVID-19 protocols while using the law library.

We welcome your feedback about the new seat and room reservation system. Please email us at if you have any problems with it or any suggestions for improvements.
Open Seating
Most seats in the library are “general admission” — that is, you may choose your own seat in any of the library’s open public seating areas.
General Rules
  1. Please do not leave personal belongings unattended. The library cannot guarantee their security. Check at the main desk about “lost and found” items.
  2. Please do not move library furniture away from its current locations.
  3. Please be careful to maintain social distancing.
Reservation-Required Seating
In a few of the library’s more popular spaces — the Reading Room and Room 1021 on the first floor and the carrel room on the second floor — seat reservations are available. Reservations may be made up to two days in advance and for up to eight hours in one day.
Study rooms may be reserved up to two days in advance in two hour blocks for group study.
Reservation Rules
  1. If you take a seat in a reservation-required space without a reservation, we ask that you be prepared to move immediately if someone with a reservation arrives.
  2. If you have a reservation, but do not “check in” upon arrival, another student may reserve the seat after one hour and we ask that you be prepared to move immediately.
  3. If your reserved seat is vacant, another student may reserve the seat after one hour.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding